Annual Report 2023

This is who we are

We exist to introduce people to Jesus and lead them in their next step with Him.

From Matt

What an awesome year it has been! God has continued to transform lives, families, generations, and little by little, the landscape of NOCO through our church. We continue to grow as a church and a consistent story for new people coming to our church is, “This is my first time at LifeBridge, and this is my first time ever in a church.” We’re reaching people that don’t know Jesus. Not only do we want to reach people, we also want to see people grow individually in their relationship with Jesus and become mature disciples that make disciples. We continue to see more and more people connect into Groups or other discipleship environments, and we only want to see more of this and continue to make it better.

Ultimately what we want is to win NOCO for Christ. Just imagine what it would look like if this region of the country was tipped by the gospel and for the gospel. What if real revival spread throughout our country and it started in NOCO. If that was the case, it would start with a church. Why not LifeBridge?


131 total
49 students & kids
57 on Easter


77 next steps taken after attending First Step 

# of Bibles given away

Chris Lucarelli’s Story

“I didn’t need to clean my life up to meet Jesus. He wanted to meet me right where I was.” When Chris felt like he wasn’t good enough to meet Jesus, God showed up and reminded him that even at our worst, His grace is still greater.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

“I got baptized because I wanted to be ALL IN. I have been coming to LifeBridge for a little over 2 years and this is really the first church I have felt moved by the Lord. I have witnessed Jesus changing my life and others around me since coming to LifeBridge. I knew a few months ago I was ready to take this step, however it was a vulnerability I was struggling with. I overcame that by realizing that none of it mattered, the only thing that mattered was trusting in the Lord and knowing He is my savior, protector and God. I was ready to be ALL IN.”

– Kate Wherry


Given to: Agape Safe Haven,  Tampa Church Plant & GO Ministries

On November 27, 2022, we gave every tithe and offering to 3 selected ministry partners. Every dollar given on this day was used exclusively to support a global partner, a national partner here in the states, and a local partner in our community. Read more below to learn how your generosity has made an impact around the world.

What has happened since…?

Agape Safe Haven

Because of the generosity of LifeBridge, we have been able to offer our Day Shelter three days a week: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9 AM to 3 PM. About a week after we received the check our hot water heater broke! We were able to purchase a new one, and this would not have been possible without LifeBridge. Having hot water is vital to our ministry.

Erik’s Story (Year Round Guest): He is proud of his Staten Island roots and is unabashed with his love of the NY Giants. We first came to know him last spring. Erik came to Day Shelter every time it was opened. And every time his food stamps came in he was at Agape Safe Haven with coffee, creamer, and milk to “help us out.” Erik is the reason our donations are sorted and organized. He has applied for housing and is currently applying for jobs too. Like most who are homeless, all of his identification was stolen at one time or another. It took nearly 5 months for a new birth certificate to make its way from New York to Longmont! But, now that his papers are in order the sky’s the limit.

Rū Tampa Church Plant

“How do we reach the people the church isn’t reaching?” It was the question that prompted Isaac and Vanessa Petit Frère to form a rapidly growing young adults ministry in South Florida. And now, it is the question driving their desire to plant a new church for the people of Tampa in 2023. They are launching Rū Tampa — a church in Tampa with a vision: to occupy the city with Jesus

Isaac and Vanessa hope to bring faith, hope, and love to Tampa through their new church, with the goal of filling the city with people who are filled with the spirit of God. They believe that Jesus should be at the center of the story of Tampa as the city grows and changes.

GO Ministries

For 8 years, LifeBridge has partnered with GO Ministries in the Dominican Republic. They are a strong nonprofit that empowers local leaders to make disciples and build into communities through community development, church planting, medical support, and sports programs. The support GO Ministries received because you gave through Level Up is going to the building of an academy to train church planters and worship leaders.


Students participating in small groups

New families in Kids Ministry

“Since serving in Kids Ministry, God has taught me to pray more over the kids, over the curriculum, and just in general. Many kids talk to me about their prayers and it makes me want to pray more like them. I’m blessed to work with such great kids who guide ME to Jesus too.”

– Hanna Sandoff

“Joining the Student Ministry and the Student Leadership Team has been one of, if not the best, decision I have ever made. I have grown so much in my faith and overall as a person. I’ve met tons of cool new people and have gotten to experience a lot of awesome things in the church community that I wouldn’t have otherwise. I’m super thankful for LifeBridge and the Student Ministry.”

– AJ Carson

55 Group Leaders!

“God has been teaching me that I just need to be willing, and He will do the rest. It’s not about being the best Bible scholar, or being the best hostess, or even having a clean house or kleenex on hand (yes for the first year of hosting group at my house, when someone would shed tears I handed them a roll of toilet paper because it was all I had on hand). It’s actually not about me at all, it’s about being willing to create a space for people to gather together and God to do His work. The fact that I get to be a willing participant in God’s work, means I get a front row seat to the transformation He’s doing in people’s lives, which only strengthens my faith and reassurance that He is always at work, even when I may be too distracted to see it in my own life.”

– Kelly Hessel

“The best thing about leading a group has been getting to connect more deeply with other couples and see God work in their lives. Connecting with other couples who moved from out of state (as we did) helps us become rooted in our community.”

– Jake Pate



people serve regularly

“There is incredible joy that I receive from the Lord while I serve others. And this happens all the time. I know what I am doing is a blessing to the moms and their kids, and yet I feel so blessed at the same time. Since serving with Single Moms, God has been moving in my life in a major way and it has resulted in my relationship with Him being very deepened and personal. God has directed my steps and been so involved in what He’s had me doing.”

– Dick Shiffer, Single Moms Ministry

“For me, the best thing about serving is being able to take my skill-set and use it to further God’s message around NOCO. The most recent lesson I have learned is you do not need to be well versed in God’s Word to have the ability to have an impact on someone.”

– Daniel Hawton, Production Team

“You never know something as well as when you teach it. Teaching and explaining the Bible to the kids has deepened my own understanding and some of the questions or insights I hear from them are as good as anything I hear in service (don’t tell Matt)!”

– Aaron Bailey, Kids Ministry



Global Outreach: Our church went on mission to Santiago, Dominican Republic (D.R.) this summer with GO Ministries. The mission field in the D.R. has so much opportunity and we were able to serve alongside full-time American missionaries, as well as local Dominican pastors.

went on mission to the D.R.

went on Student Outreach

went on Medical Outreach


WRAP: WRAP exists to serve foster families through prayer, service, care, and encouragement.


families currently supported through WRAP


Fathers in the Field: Our mission with Fathers in the Field is to rekindle and establish the spirit of boys who have been abandoned by their fathers; mentoring them one-on-one in life skills through outdoor activities, and by sharing a Christian understanding of our Heavenly Father’s love and sacrifice for His children.

 “I grew up without a father and saw this as something that could make a great difference in a young man’s life. Going into this, I thought it would be hard to navigate the conversation in the direction of God, what His love is, and what He did for us. One of the first times we went to church together, he asked me about what communion is and why we take it. It was amazing to see God work through my fear, and stir curiosity in my Field Buddy.”

– Tizoc Ness, Mentor Father


Mentor Fathers connected to Field Buddies!

Single Moms

Single parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world. At LifeBridge, we care about all kinds of families and want to create a space for intentional, authentic relationships to happen. There are various opportunities for single moms to receive support and encouragement. Through those opportunities, we teach on topics including parenting, budgeting, forgiveness, self-esteem, and communication skills.

“God helped me survive my divorce, financially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Before I could become a mentor, I changed a lot in my life, I needed to be a good example for the single moms. There were so many things in my life that needed to change, and I wanted to live a life that I was proud of. With this new lifestyle and God always at my side I am so much happier and fulfilled. With this new lifestyle I want the moms to see that it will be okay, that they too can survive and be joyful with God in their lives.”

– Deanna Dillow

“Since attending Single Moms, the biggest thing God has shown me is that I am not alone, and He showed me the value in having community. A year before I joined, I asked God to surround me with Godly women that I could pray for and they for me, and He moved me to a completely different state and brought me home. I’ve been to over 30 states and several churches – LifeBridge is the only church I’ve ever called my home.”

– Amanda Edwards


As we keep going, think about what your next step is. As we continue to grow, there are more and more opportunities for people to step up and serve. We need people on every serve team that we have; not to perform tasks, but to fulfill purpose. We need more people to lead groups, we need more people to own the mission of our church to introduce people to Jesus and lead them in their next steps with Him. Thank you for everything that you have done and continue to do to contribute to the life of LifeBridge. Thank you for your service, your generosity, your willingness to invite and connect people to our church. We couldn’t be more excited for what God is doing in our church and what is on the horizon for us in the next year. Keep going!