Care Ministry
Providing Support and Community Through Life’s Challenges
You’re not alone. We’re here to help you find healing during times of challenge or grief by offering resources of support. We provide loving care to our community in various ways, including recovery groups, counseling, support groups, prayer, hospital visits, elder care, and shepherding.

Support Groups
Rise Up:
Standing Strong Through Cancer
This is a Christ-centered support group for men, women, and teens who are battling cancer, survivors in the process, or who are walking alongside others who have cancer. The group is led by volunteers who are currently battling cancer, and who have a passion for helping people navigate the practical, emotional, relational, and spiritual challenges they may encounter. Join us anytime at LifeBridge on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Email Debra Kouns at [email protected]

GriefShare is a Christ-centered support group for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. You don’t have to grieve alone. Our group is led by two experienced GriefShare leaders who will make you feel welcome and help you walk through your season of grief. Join us anytime at LifeBridge on Tuesdays (Feb. 4 – Apr 29, 2025) from 6 to 8 PM. Course materials are $20.

Post-Abortion Support Group
Confidential Location in Loveland & Longmont. No matter what influences a woman to end a pregnancy, there are physical, psychological, and spiritual side effects most women don’t anticipate. This support group will use The Surrendering the Secret Bible Study to enable women to release this burden and find freedom through the honest, interactive study of God’s Word; meaningful group experiences; unique journaling exercises; and a confidential, caring community. Email Stacey Flock at [email protected]

NAMI: Family Support Group
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is a peer-led support group for any adult with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. Gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar experiences. Join us anytime at LifeBridge on the first and third Thursdays of the month from 7 to 8:30 PM.

DivorceCare is a Christ-centered support group for those going through a separation or divorce. Our group is led by a team of volunteers who have experienced the pain of divorce and are passionate about seeing you find encouragement, peace, and hope on your own journey toward healing. Join us anytime at LifeBridge on Mondays (Jan. 27 – Apr. 21, 2025) from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Course materials are $20.
Addiction and Recovery

Celebrate Recovery
Monday Night Small Groups | 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Tuesday Night Large Group | 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step recovery program designed for anyone who is struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. This community is a safe place to find healing and freedom from the issues that control our lives. Email Claude Peronto at [email protected]
Care Counseling

Premarital Counseling
Preparing for marriage can be such an exciting season of life. Premarital counseling equips couples with various tools and resources to build a healthy relationship.

Counseling Resources
For a list of professional counselors in the community, please see our referral list below.
Additional Support

Bereavement and Funerals
Losing someone you love is one of the hardest and most significant losses in life. We want to come alongside you during this season. We can assist you with funerals and memorials, and also offer grief and loss support groups. Please contact our Care Director, Debra via email below or call 720-864-9155.

Prayer is important in your growing relationship with Jesus. There are times when you need extra prayer support. No matter what you’re facing, we would love to pray for you and with you.

WRAP Ministry
WRAP exists to serve foster families through prayer, service, care, and encouragement. Fostering a child is a huge commitment, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you’re interested in serving foster families in our local community, becoming a foster family, or are currently fostering, our WRAP Ministry would love to work with you.